cybersecurity training
Cyberattacks were rated as the fifth highest rated risk in 2020 and have become the new norm in the public and private sectors. The risk continues to grow – IoT cyber attacks alone are expected to double by 2025.
Due to the ever-growing trend and increasingly insidious and sophisticated methods of attacks – it is necessary to educate users. For this reason, we offer comprehensive cybersecurity training.
Are you prepared for hacker attacks?
95% of cyberattacks are caused by human error. Paradoxically, despite the continuous and dynamic development of technology, ensuring data security is becoming increasingly difficult. What you can do right away is make users aware by providing cyber security training.
A cyber-attack is not only a huge stress and paralysis for the company, but also – or even more importantly – financial and image consequences. In fact, all it takes is one careless move: clicking on a link sent to us in an email by a person claiming to be an employee of our company, and disaster is ready.
Is cyber security training something for you?
Do you think the problem does not apply to you? Do you run a small, family-owned business and assume that you are not an attractive target for cybercriminals? Or are you still under the assumption that hacker attacks only happen overseas?
The average Polish company is attacked by cybercriminals on average more than 500 times a week.
If you want to know how to fend off attacks and improve your security in practice right away – attend cyber security training courses prepared by our specialists.
What kind of training do we offer?
Our Offer includes training for both executives and end users, covering the basic cyber security issues that users deal with on a daily basis.
You do not need to have specialized knowledge or operate with industry nomenclature. Our cybersecurity training courses are a dose of knowledge given in an accessible format, based on real-life examples and benefiting from our extensive experience working with companies of all sizes in many industries.
We organize training online, as well as on-site at your company. We are open to your needs – contact us and we will prepare an Offer according to the expectations of your organization.
What will you learn at the training?
In addition to organizing training courses for companies, we participate as experts in cybersecurity events. We work with many institutions (e.g., Warsaw University of Life Sciences) and for a variety of businesses. We train our customers to raise their awareness and open their eyes to modern threats. Dołącz do ich grona!
Family Business Congress
We led a presentation on cyber security in business at the Family Business Congress in Wroclaw.
IV AIR Conference - Automation and Robotization of Industry in Ostroda
We led a presentation on cyber security for industrial companies at the 4th AiR Conference.
We work with the best
Describe what we can help you with: